just noticed you called logan a utah mountain town, like you were literally in the mts. in the middle of no where. haha! enjoyed the 45 life things. thanks!
Long story short--sincere, bold, and mindful living.
Short story long--I was born and raised on the South Side of Chicago, studied abroad in Ireland, earned my Bachelor's in English and Psychology from University of Illinois, worked as a caseworker in an inner-city housing project through the Americorps program, taught English in China, traveled in South Africa, spent a year and a half bartending in a mountain town in Utah, and have now returned home to Chi-town to pursue my life's dream of being an Interior Designer by going back to school and doing free-lance art and design work on the side.
just noticed you called logan a utah mountain town, like you were literally in the mts. in the middle of no where. haha! enjoyed the 45 life things. thanks!
This. Is. Awesome. Please keep up the posts and best of luck with your ART SHOW!!!!
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